There isn't a way to control which mail you get outside of perhaps untapped glitches as it is a completely random event, so you'll just have to keep resetting for the Lucky Mail to spawn. The closest big red mail box to Home is north west of home (see video for direction references). If you get the Unlucky Mail, just drop off the Mail in one of the big red Post Boxes then return Home and check the Mailbox again. If you press the action button on the mailbox outside of Home, you have a small chance of getting the Lucky Mail. Mary | Mary Doll There is also another item that I want to cover in the description as there is no special spirit associated with it. Incinerator Burning Man | Puzzle Piece 2 9. Headless Horseman or Headless Horse | Human Bone 8.
Daruma | (Doodle Note) Dull Eyeball and One Eyed Daruma 6. I hope that this can help guide you in getting some of the harder items in Yomawari.
#Yomawari night alone statues bloody eyes how to#
This guide does not show how to get all postgame items, such as regular items that you can pick up off the ground without having to do anything beforehand. This will also show you all of the special spirits and the minigames or side quests associated with them. This video acts as a walkthrough to all of the special spirits and items that you have to perform special events for before being able to obtain them. Guide to the Special Spirits/Side Bosses and Special Items in Yomawari: Night Alone.